The NotMom Conversation
Episodes of our video podcast air live at 3:00 pm EST on dates announced each month on Facebook and YouTube. Recorded episodes are available long-term here and on our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter & YouTube networks.
Also featured: Episodes of the Gateway Women podcast Fireside Wisdom for Childless Elderwomen, featuring Karen Malone Wright.
The NotMom Conversation premiered in May 2020. Sponsors interested in reaching our global audience of more than 40,000 childless and childfree women may provide guests and/or advertorial scripts. Contact us at to discuss promotional ideas.
The childless elderwomen from the US, UK, New Zealand & Australia reunite in an honest conversation about grief, particularly post-Covid quarantine.
June 2021
Karen and Laura review headlines about the COVID-19 baby bust - falling birth rates around the world, by country and city and the reasons why.
March 2021
Ashton Saldana, childfree author of The Parenthood Pendulum and the website Soulace Seeker talks about how NotMoms can find gratitude during the global pandemic as well as compassion for others (including Moms) and growing acknowledgement of adults without children.
January 2021
Recognizing the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we talk with Mallory McMaster, a reproductive health advocate, about women's reproductive rights today in the US and around the world.
December 2020
The childless elderwomen from the US, UK, New Zealand & Australia reunite in a lively conversation about their lives and lessons learned.
December 2020
World Childless Week 2020 Karen Malone Wright & Laura LaVoie reflect on their "unprecedented" first year of podcasting and pandemic.
September 2020
Celebrating World Childless Week 2020 with a fascinating group of elderwomen from the US, UK, New Zealand & Australia sharing a lively conversation about their lives and lessons learned.
September 2020
Jody Day, founder of Gateway Women, an international support for women without children by chance, talks of World Childless Week 2020 events and the issues affecting childless women worldwide.
August 2020
Robin J. Bachman, Chief of the U.S. Census Bureau National Partnership Program explains intricacies of the 2020 Census and why responding is important for every citizen, including childless and childfree women.
July 2020
A discussion of on race and women without children with activist, sociologist, and criminologist Dr. Kimya Dennis.
June 2020
Filmmaker Maxine Trump to talk about her acclaimed film 'To Kid or Not to Kid' and the NotMom quarantine experience.
May 2020
Founder Karen Malone Wright & brand partner Laura LaVoie review The NotMom's history and progress.